Legacy Party Sales News

Calling all Leaders and Future Leaders!

Please join us! It's going to be a great way to get yourself set up for a wonderful close to 2022 and prepare for 2023! Register in advance to be in our drawings! Managers and Directors-please use this link to register: https://fb.me/e/1T4T6O22t Future Managers-please...

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Ideas to close October strong

We have just 9 days left until the close of the month.  How are you doing? Everyone is challenged to break their personal record.  Check with your Director if you do not know your record.  There is a minimum of $500, so if you haven't sold $500 before...that's your...

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Product Updates

CW Serve & Store Bundle Temp Close Please note that there was a system issue with the setup of the CrystalWave Serve and Store Bundle #88815 that opened earlier today and we have temporarily closed the offer. Inventory is not depleted. We apologize for the...

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A month in a week!!!

As we begin week 3 of Recordbreaker, we have some ground to make up!  We need all hands on deck!  There's so many great offers for consumers, hosts and YOU this month.  Let's make big things happen by next Thursday! For each increment of $5000 in sales we have between...

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Last call for Legacy Loot

Chris and I will be off island in the coming weeks and will not be able to ship any orders from Legacy Loot, and our house sitter is not going to be able to do it for us. If you have vendor events and need anything, please think ahead and order them my Wednesday....

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Free Training with Amanda Todd

Amanda from You Dot This is offering us free team training on Monday! She’s sharing her best ten tricks (tips!) on how we can get our followers to click on our links when we’re posting about our products! Many of you know that I LOVE this girls training and memes....

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