Legacy Party Sales News

On pace reports

Just a heads up that our sales month ends THIS WEDNESDAY, April 24th at 11:59pmET, 10:59pmCT, 9:59pmMT, 8:59pm PT, 5:59pmHT.  I know it seems early to be ending the month, but we always close on the last Wednesday of a month, and since April only has 30 days, it falls...

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Upcoming ZOOM Parties

We have TWO events to help you grow your business, make money and learn!  Two ZOOM parties are coming your way!  What is a ZOOM party?  It's very close to an in home party, except it's on ZOOM.  This is perfect for people that want to have a party but don't or can't...

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Ends on Wednesday!

The following offers end on Wednesday For Consumers: Cinco de Mayo EN Wk 14-15 Spring Fun for Little Ones   For You:   Register your parties here: https://form.jotform.com/223534786885068    

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Consistency Program

Do you know which program you are in?  Everyone is in one of these programs! We are halfway through the month, so it's time to take a look at where you are and what you still need to do! Comment on our facebook post Option 1 or Option 2 or Option 3 to be in Tina's...

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Sample challenge!

  It's Samples Day!! Yes!!!   ORDER FAST! Samples don’t always last!   Everyone that samples from 12 noonET today through 11:58pmET Wednesday 4/10 and comments on our team facebook post “I did it” will go into my special sample days drawings!! Multiple Drawings! I’m...

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Springfest wrapup

If you missed Springfest, check out all this training: http://www.facebook.com/groups/FSRC2.0/ Click on the "featured" tab   You'll want to make sure to watch this one: https://www.facebook.com/546397956/videos/1069441954160697/   Birthday Month workbook   Post...

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New Catalog and May Brochure

Our exciting new catalog  Summer Catalog and May brochure has been launch for YOU.  Start date is April 25th.  You may share it with May hosts one week in advance to assist with host coaching. Memes for social media can be found in our facebook group albums. Summer...

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