Legacy Party Sales News

Close of the week..watch your numbers!

Happy Wednesday! It's the close of week 3 and it's time to check your numbers! -Do you have $100+ to get your labels? -Do you have $200+ to get 2 labels AND a Serving Center for $5 -How close are you to the next $100 increment. You can purchase one label per $100!!...

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Hot Tuppics Replay-Host Coaching

While there are many ways to sell Tupperware, PARTIES remain the most profitable way to sell.  Whether you choose to do home parties, office parties, Facebook parties, messenger parties, text parties...partnering with a host is the key.  Host Coaching is KEY to...

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August Samples

Some  August samples opened early WITH a 2-3 day delay in shipping of the entire order. This means that if you order any additional products with the August samples, your entire order will be held until the August samples are available. The below is a recap of the...

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Product Updates

SuperSonic™ Chopper Tall - As of July 17, inventory has been depleted and will not be replenished as this item is not going to be part of the Fall Holiday catalog. Some recent orders may need a substitution, we will share an update shortly. Please mark your printed...

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Disposables vs Tupperware

Wow! One of our tffs (Tupperware Friends Forever) did a little research and updated a 12-year-old document. She found some average numbers of disposable bags and containers and did a comparison. It really puts Tupperware’s sustainability into perspective!! Tupperware...

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Recognition & Review replay

Did you miss Recognition and Review? Replay: https://youtu.be/E1Ucea3Ozu4 I encourage you to spend 30 minutes listening to this each week.  Everyone is busy, but you can listen while you multi-task. Put your earbuds in and catch up! Not only do I include recognition,...

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Three fun challenges for you!

From Legacy! One week challenge from Legacy! For each $100 in sales you submit this week, you can order a customized label for just $8. How many do you need for yourself? How many do you want to have on hand for customers? One of these days the Large Carry-All is...

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