Legacy Party Sales News

Legacy Challenge for September

I'm super proud that Legacy was one of only two companies in the region to achieve our sales goal during August!  WOOHOO! We also achieved our recruiting goal as well!  Double winners!  We have great momentum and we want to keep it growing through the fall.  So Chris...

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New Product Videos

I've created a few videos of current products. This can be used for your own information, or you may share them in your private groups.  Please do not post them publicly. Lollitups Retro Chic line Silicone Bags Autumn Harvest Host Gift  

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September Incentives

In addition to the income that you can earn selling Tupperware, you can earn lots of great incentives.  These gifts are great to either add to your kit or kitchen, give as gifts instead of shopping from a store or using as incentives to grow your business.  Take a...

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Your discount benefit

One of the many benefits of being a Tupperware consultant is the discount.  We receive a 25% discount on the retail price...even if it's a sale item. If you place the order in your back office, you get the discount right away.  You are only charged wholesale.  If. you...

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September Events

Our September Calendar is ready! Check out all the great opportunities for you to learn and grow your business! September Calendar October is Recordbreaker...our biggest stretch month of the year.  September is the month that we get ready by investing in training and...

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