Welcome to March!
I’ve updated everything for you for the month. Of course, as we progress through the month, there will be additional offers added.
For those of you that are new, just know that our website www.legacypartysales.com is the go-to place for a lot of the information you are looking for.
Our Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/legacypartysales/ will have shareable memes, recognition and more. Click on the FEATURED button to find all current info. This is a closed group and customers should not be added. You also can not use the share button since it’s a closed group.
Our public facing Facebook PAGE https://www.facebook.com/TupperwareLegacyPartySales is where we stream demos that you can share with your customers. You can also invite them to watch live…our next one is March 17th
Here’s the links for things you’ll want for March
- Current host information
- Current consumer offers
- Shareable link for customers: https://www.legacypartysales.com/catalog-and-specials/
- March incentives for YOU
- Don’t miss out on THIS WEEK’s offer for POWER WEEK!
- March calendar (revised)
- This will show you our events AND dates for launches of new offers, which happen at 12noonET
- Registration for the above events
- Register to be in the door prize drawings!
We have something really BIG that we will be sharing during on Monday Night Live! Make sure to join us!