We still need a few more to register for this upcoming class!
What is StarTrack 3.0
Star Track 3.0 is an updated training series for those that want MORE from their business and are willing to commit to attending all 5 classes on Tuesdays 6:30-9pm. This is not a ZOOM. This is an in-person class.
Class 1-January 28: Understanding the business. How you make money. How you get paid. How to collect payments. Jenkon vs your PWS. Creating party links. How to find info/reports. Please bring your laptop, tablet or phone with charging cords.
Class 2-February 4: Booking/Host Coaching. How to set the stage for bookings. Words to say to book in home or virtual parties. What to do once your host says YES.
Class 3-February 11: Party Flow Learn what to include and WHEN to do it at an in-home and during virtual parties.
Class 4-February 18: Technology Basics. Keeping your assets organized. Basics of going LIVE. We will practice using a private group just for this class to help you become comfortable. Please bring your laptop, tablet or phone with charging cords.
Class 5-February 25: Alternative Selling. While in-home parties are my jam, there are lots of other ways to sell, book and recruit. We will explore other options so you can find YOUR jam.
Your investment for this class is $20 for the entire series. There will be a homework assignment for each class. When you complete all 5 classes, you will receive a $100 surprise pack.
To register, go to www.legacypartysales.com/events