Welcome to Team Weeks! This is the time of year that we all work together to show we are a team! We need all hands on deck, and we have some awesome awards for those who help!
Submit $100+ and snag these adorable keychains. Perfect for rewarding your Recordbreaker hosts!
Earn your 10 letters in any combination and earn your logo Big T sling!!
Plus…our rollover gifts continue!


When we achieve our goal, everyone with $100+ will be invited to a special ZOOM cooking class with our Regional, Sharon.  These are always fun and include great recipes!

Additionally, Tupperware will be recognizing the TOPS in several categories!


Why is Team Weeks important?  Because the BOOKINGS and contacts you make will build your October!  We have great offers for hosts in October, so make sure to invite everyone that places and order during these two weeks to host an activity for you during October!

To clarify the October Host Bonus program…
a. The $750 Bonus Level of the Cast Iron is only limited to 1 of either choice of products being offered, even if they go and double the sales to $1500.
b. The $1000 bonus level is only $200 for $30. It is not double as that would imply that as they grew their sales past $1000 that we were doubling host bonus credits and it is just a one-time bonus of $200.