One of the best parts of Tupperware is the FLEXIBILITY.  One of the worst parts is the FLEXIBILITY!  Funny, right? But oh so true.  As we are poised at the start of the fall selling season, I want you to ask yourself a few questions?

  1. Are you really happy with where you are financially?  While I don’t want to get into politics, I keep hearing people say they are worse off than they were 4 years ago.  Well, here’s the truth about that…YOU can do something about that.  Don’t sit around waiting for the government to fix things for you.  Set some aggressive goals and get out of your own way.  Make the decision to earn a specific amount of money in the next 3 months for something important to you.
  2. Look at all the ways to sell? Are you investing in learning ALL?  If we limit ourselves, think of the sales we miss!
  3. What’s standing in your way? Determine that and then seek out the training that will help you overcome that.  In the last few weeks and the coming week, we’ve offered a plethora of options to learn and grow.  How much of this are you taking advantage of?

A common response is “I don’t have time”.  My response would be that if you want something bad enough you will figure it out.  While some needs to be watched, some can just be listened to. I listen in the car .  Great if you have a commute or wait for kids.   I  listen while washing dishes, cooking or cleaning house.  it just has to be a priority so you can grow your income.

Another common response is “I’m just here for the discount”. And that’s OK too…if you have no financial issues.  But if you aren’t living the life you’d like to live, it’s time to get serious about how to make more time.  Sux figures a year is possible in this business.  While money isn’t everything, the lack of it causes a lot of problems. And having it can create a lot of blessings.

So I challenge you…don’t FLEXIBILITY yourself out of great things! Pretend you’re in college during the next few weeks.  Invest in learning, alongside working your business.  Watch the magic that happens!