It’s the last week of the month and we have a lot of ground to make up! It’s time to really check what you need to achieve your gift and income goals. Our FridgeSmart is such a strong offer…and this week’s Out of the vault offers really rock. Let’s set a goal to PERSONALLY reach out to 5 people per day to remind them of our specials and invite them to get them as soon as possible!  We want to hit our first level goal to do the $50 cash drawing! We need $12,767.05 this week, which is about $100 per consultant, to make our goal.  When everyone does $200 per consultant, we will actually make our stretch goal!  Let’s do this!


I know when we all work together, we can produce BIG RESULTS.   It’s time for a Crunch to close challenge:

Submit $50+ or more Sunday, June 23-Wednesday June 26th at 5:59pmHT and you will receive a Tupperware Magnet—FREE! Teamwork makes the Dream work! We are counting on YOU!

If you haven’t placed an order yet this month, check out all the great consumer offers and share them with everyone.  REACHING OUT PERSONALLY is far more effective that just posting on Facebook and praying someone sees it and orders!



Here’s a reminder of the challenges that YOU can earn this month.  I ran the reports for this on Saturday morning, so if you’ve submitted since then, you can adjust.  You can find your actual sales for the month on your Business Dashboard.  If your sales needed a “stretch”.  Here are the best ideas for pulling in those sales at the last minute! 

Hail Mary Ideas

Submit $500+ in the last two weeks (June 13-26) and you will earn this bundle set for $25.  You can earn two sets when you submit $1000+


Submit $250 for the month and be on pace for the consistency program!  Check out where you are!  The award for this quarter is the Cast Iron Coquette!  Check out the details of this product:

For those in the Apr-May-June program: If it says EARNED, you have qualified.  If there is a dollar amount next to your name, that is what you need by close of week/month


For those in the May-June-July  Program, if it says ON PACE, it means you’ve met the goal in May and June, and need to finish in July.  If there are sales showing, that’s what you need in June to stay in the program.  You do not want to fall out this final month as this promotion is ending and you can’t restart in July!



This next list is for those starting in this final month, and earning this award during June-July-August.  If your name is listed it means that you’ve had sales for the month, and the sales needed is what you need to reach $250 in June to start this program.  If it says ON PACE, it means that you’ve had your $250 in June and you will need $250 in July and August to receive your gift.

If your name is not listed on one of these three charts, it means that you need $250 in June to get in this program!  DON’T MISS OUT!



Are you on the PENDING INACTIVE list? Don’t let that happen! In order to maintain active status, you will need to have $350 in total sales in a ROLLING 4 months.  Right now, we are looking at Mar-Apr-May-June.  Next month we will be looking at Apr-May-June-July.  If you are in your initial 4 months, you get to count your partial month of recruitment. If you drop a big month or miss submitting sales in a month, it creates a hole.  It’s easier to KEEP UP THAN CATCH UP. $350 is $87.50 per month for 4 months. 

What happens when you go inactive? You are still a consultant.  You still have a website.  You can still sell.  And you still get your 25% discount.  However, you will not get to participate in one of our best perks…35% early sampling.  And if you have any personal recruits, ties are severed.  Let’s not let that happen! Guess what?  The sales you submit to stay active may also qualify you for one of the other gifts above! Recruiters–reach out to your recruits and make sure they know what they need and have the latest flyer!


Submit $1000 and earn the awesome Premia Glass Square!

Look how big it is!


Achieve $1500+ and you’ll receive your PERSONAL SALES VOLUME BONUS…CASH!


Plus those that achieve this level are eligible for the CONSTELLATION OF STARS PROGRAM, for achieving $1500+ for 6 consecutive months…Jan-Jun.  The magic word is Party.  Congratulations to Debbie Tandal. She is finishing month 6!  This program usually restarts, so make sure to set your self up for success in July by booking 3-4 parties! 






For our new consultants you are in the READY, SET, ACTIVATE program for your first 3 months!  Submitting sales EVERY MONTH is the key to earning all the gifts!


April recruits…you are in month three. Check out what you need! 



MAY Recruits…you’re in month 2. check out what you need!



For our JUNE recruits…you’re in month one!  Don’t miss out on this month’s awards!


AND for those new June recruits that joined in the first two weeks of June, you had a bonus opportunity!

JUNE recruiters!  You have an awesome gifts waiting for you…If you haven’t shared the opportunity yet for this month, there is still time so that you can snag these!



LASTLY, Consultants that step up this month can earn $100 a month for the next three months!  Are you thinking it’s too late to make this happen?  NO!  It’s not too late! It can totally be done in the next 4 days! 


Here’s to a great close!