We have three offers ending on Wednesday…one for customers and two for you!

For you: Submit an order of any size to be in this drawing. The more team members that submit, the more gifts that will be included!


Submit $250 to earn you HydroGlass 360.  If you haven’t seen the video of this, make sure to watch it to see how amazing it is! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUPXBDuIrTw



For customers!

And while our FridgeSmart is not ending on Wednesday, I want to encourage you to ask yourself…HOW ARE YOU CREATING INTEREST?  Everyone is concerned about grocery prices, and you have a solution. It’s a great conversation starter!  By INVESTING in FridgeSmart, customers can recoup their investment quite quickly and continue to save money for years.   Here’s few ideas of how to create that interest!

  1. Go live putting away your groceries.  Don’t worry about perfection.  Just do it.  Sharing mine to give you an idea, and it’s far from perfect!              https://youtu.be/aV5S05rbOoc  
  2. The Survey party is an amazing way to build your business! Here’s the form to use for the FridgeSmart.   FRIDGESMART SURVEY    Here’s how to use this:
    “I have a goal of getting 20 opinions in the next 10 days. Could you get 2-3 friends together so I could come over and get everyone’s opinion on our FridgeSmart. It will take just 30 minutes. Each guest will be asked to fill out a survey. Everyone will get a gadget for helping and you will get a free gift!”
  3. Create a jot form to gather information about customer needs.  Jotform.com is FREE.  Here’s mine.  You are welcome to copy my questions to create you own.  Please do not take the survey though. https://form.jotform.com/241545060054043