June 8th is our annual TuppAwareness Day.  Do you know that we are only reaching 2% of the population.  Many people do not know Tupperware is still alive and well!  It’s up to US to change that perception by leaving the comfort of our home and computer and going out to SEE people.  There are many ways to do this.  The important part is that we just need everyone out there DOING IT! What will you do on June 8th?

Here’s a video of ideas:  https://youtu.be/_G1UXztBuec

Scavenger Hunt

Youve been Spotted using Tupperware

GOAT Sheet

This sheet is perfect if you just want to walk around your neighborhood.  But you could use it anywhere by starting a conversation with:

My Tupperware team is doing a scavenger hunt.  I need to find 25 different people.  Do you qualify for one of my squares? Ask them their favorite Tupperware memory.  It’s a great question to ask and it’s not sale-sy.  They will talk forever! lol

Get their phone number or email so you can stay in touch. Give them a brochure or catalog (this is a great way to pass out your old out of date catalogs).  Or print out the one page monthly flyer.