Last night we had our Hot Tuppics–it’s our monthly event where we launch the next month’s flyers, along with support material.  If you miss it, you miss a lot of opportunity to plan for the next month.  This is where you figure out what samples you need to grow your business the next month, and what other products from the catalog may support.  Mark it on your calendar each month and try to attend. And if it’s impossible to attend live, make sure to watch the replay!

Here’s the replay from last night:

Here’s all the support material:


We also talked about our TupAwareness Events.  Team…we need ALL of you to commit to being ambassadors of Tupperware and helping get the word out.  Anytime you hear that people didn’t realize that we are still around, it’s because WE aren’t doing our jobs effectively.  We need to get out behind our computer screens/phones and SEE THE PEOPLE!  We’ve got a nationwide day planned on June 8th, but we are having some “dress rehearsals”  before then so we all get comfortable with being uncomfortable!

TupAwareness Support Material

15 Reasons to LOVE your citrus peeler


GOAT Sheet (1)

TupAware Interest Cards ENG

Youve been Spotted using Tupperware

Friend Finding Bingo