It’s time for a BOOKING BLITZ! As I shared earlier on my LIVE, it’s time for us to really focus on January! A strong January gives you momentum for the new year!
It’s a time we ALL commit to reaching out for bookings! Carve out some time to reach out to all your contacts and invite them to host. It’s not about posting a meme, it’s about connecting 1:1.
What is a BOOKING?
It can be an in-home party, an office party, a “pop-up”, a facebook party, a text party, a messenger party, a zoom party…or a party link.
When is the BLITZ?
12pm Friday-12pm Saturday 24 hours. We’re going with YOUR LOCAL TIME. Once your 24 hours is over, you’ll fill out a jotform with your results
What’s in it for you?
  • Income–every party you book is $ added to your family’s budget.
  • Gifts! Yes…I’ll be announcing gifts!
  • Accountability! When you’re in business for yourself it’s easy to procrastinate. Next thing you know, the month is half over. Commit to working with alongside everyone and watch what happens!
What do you need to do now?
  1. Study the host offers so you can share what’s available
  2. Set a goal of how many bookings you’d like to get.
  3. Make a list of who you will invite
  4. Study/print out if possible the suggested verbiage. You can find it here: BLITZ-BOOK