Do you have your eye on the Prize? There’s so many great rewards for new and established consultants, but I want to encourage EVERYONE to focus on their $250 per month to earn their Cast Iron Skillet.  I LOVE this pan!
Two ways to qualify: $250 per month Oct-Nov-Dec OR
$250 per month Nov-Dec-Jan


Looking for a way to pull in sales? $100 is just 2-3 orders! Super simple
Make a list of potentials!
Personally invite them to participate. Posting on Facebook is not a personal invite!
Two ways to make this work!

Option 1: Create ONE party link, and name it Tupper Turkey Trot. Create a group chat for each participant. Ask them to add their friends to the chat. In that chat group you can post a link to the catalog and specials, along with the Turkey Trot party link. Ask then to send you a text when they order so you know which participant gets the credit to be the “most” You could even send them a link to watch our Tuesday cooking class. A demo will help build sales.

Option 2: Reach out and invite participants. Give them each a physical catalog and some order form.