It’s No-vember, but let’s make it YES-vember.  Say yes to your business to make money and earn some great awards!

For those of you that submitted $250+ in October, you are ON PACE for your Cast Iron Pan! Just submit $250 in November and $250 in December and it’s yours!
But if October was one of those months where your Tupperware business took a back seat, you have a second chance! And of course our new November recruits can play in this too! Submit $250 in November, $250 in December and $250 in January to qualify for yours!
This is so awesome!!


Why not do it in week 1?!?!?! Then you can use that $250 to qualify for MULTIPLE gifts!  Yes! you can double and triple dip!



Our November goal is IN THE BAG! When you submit $750 + during the November sales month, you will get to select a bag. Some are slightly loved, (from conferences), but they have goodies inside! And SOME have really great goodies inside! How fun it will be to reveal!

Think BIG to earn BIG!