Each Friday you will find a training in our Facebook group.  It’s called TupperTime with Tina.  This week’s live was BOOKING TIPS.  Here’s the replay if you missed it: https://youtu.be/cf0_E3Lb4L0

Each Tuesday we have a live cooking demonstration on our Company Facebook public page. https://www.facebook.com/TupperwareLegacyPartySales

You can invite people to follow our page and use it as a party demo.  You can share the demo in your groups if you’d like.  And you can just watch it for your personal information on how to use our products/get recipes. It’s live at 6pmHT, but because it’s a live you can use it/share it/watch it at any time.

In our Facebook group you will also find an AHA post following both the Friday event and the Tuesday Event.  Make sure to comment to get your chance to win prizes.