On Tuesday, we will be hosting a Virtual Multi Host Party to close our August Strong.  What is a Multi-host Party? It’s where we have Multiple parties being hosted at one time!

This is a brilliant way for YOU to make big things happen!  Who should participate?

  • New team members striving to make their $100, $250 or $500 goal
  • Establish team members that are working for a goal and need a little extra
  • Those that need sales to keep their account active

What should you do?

  • You can be the host and invite friends to join your party.  You will earn profit and host credit!  Make sure to create a party link!
  • OR you can invite a customer to be a host.  They will invite their friends to join the party.

We will be playing BINGO!

  • Guests need to grab a card here: https://mfbc.us/v/btjtg4p
  • As a consultant you do not need a card.  WHEN A HOST OR GUEST OF YOURS WINS, SO DO YOU! The more people you have playing, the more chances you have to win!
  • When you have 5 guests in attendance you will be an automatic winner!  So start now and begin inviting!
  • How many guests can you have?  How many hosts can you have?