We are trying something new for our Virtual Cooking Class on Tuesday.  Instead of holding this on ZOOM, it will be a Facebook Live on our PUBLIC Facebook Page.  We hope that this will make it easier for you to invite guests, as this is the purpose of holding these cooking classes!

  • Invite several of your friends to watch the live and make it a party! OR
  • Encourage a host to “hold her party” during this LIVE by inviting her guests

Another plus is that you will be able to SHARE the video to your groups, pages or profiles!

Make sure you are FOLLOWING THE PAGE! https://www.facebook.com/TupperwareLegacyPartySales/

Please note: This is not our GROUP, which is for team members only.  This is our public page. Guest’s don’t need to join, they just click on the link.  Here’s a suggested word choice:

Hi! My Tupperware Team is hosting a Virtual Cooking Class on ZOOM this Tuesday!  I’d love to have you be a guest! Would you like the link to watch?

If yes: https://www.facebook.com/TupperwareLegacyPartySales/

Would you like to earn some free Tupperware? If so I’ll set up a shopping link for you and then you can share the link with a bunch of your friends! You’ll get credit for any purchases!

Then set up a party link, and share it with them.  Afterwards make sure to follow up with them!