Why are we sometimes nervous about asking business-related questions to people who know and love us?
I bet you just thought- Rejection. (And I soooo get it.)

But can I challenge you to think about ASKING differently?

🍰 STORY TIME: Our job as a direct seller is a lot like the cake lady’s at a wedding. She offers cake to guests. That’s her job. Some take a piece and others pass. What she doesn’t do, is stop asking when a guest says, “No thank you, I don’t want cake.” She moves on to the next person…. “How about you? Would you like some cake?”

Think about this the next time someone says no to you or when you’re afraid they might say no. Just find another person and keep on asking! 🍰
It’s time to take action and ASK for what you want in your business! No more hoping for it… it’s time to go for it! And I’m here to guide you, step-by-step… or question-by-question! 😉
Ready to be blown away by what’s possible when you intentionally focus your time and efforts on asking the right questions???? If you’re nodding… then this is a don’t-miss event!
Stop staying stuck, mama… or, even worse, going backward. 🫣 You deserve some incredible results and to experience remarkable “OMG” growth. It’s your time. And this is the event to help ya!!
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