We have a Virtual Opportunity Event that is designed to make it easy for you to invite people to join our team.  If you’d like to build a team this is a super easy, no pressure way for you to help your prospectives get information. If you’re not interested in building a team, we’d like to encourage you to invite people to help build Legacy build.  We’re on a mission to move up to the TOP 5 in our Region! The only difference between where we are and where we want to be is the number of team members.  Let’s all work together to make it happen, while we help others earn an income to help their families. WIN! WIN!
If you didn’t have time to listen to Recognition & Review, here’s the excerpt talking about this event: https://youtu.be/M4TijnkP4uQ
Here’s the meme to share for our upcoming virtual opportunity event. I recommend that you do this PERSONALLY…not a mass invite. Here are some words to say as you personally invite:
Hi! We’re having a Tupperware Opportunity Event and I’d love to have you join in. It’s Wednesday, June 21st-Saturday June 24th. Each day there will be a different topic covered. There’s no obligation and you’ll have an opportunity to win some prizes and hear the facts so you can make an informed decision. It’s virtual, so you can participate right from home on your time. I love being a part of Tupperware because ______, and I think you might enjoy it too. Will you be my guest?
If they say yes:
Great! Here’s the link to join the group:
Make sure to send them a reminder on Wednesday morning to check in.
If they say no: send me their response via messenger and I’ll help you with some word choices.
Make sure YOU join the group too!