If you saw or were sent media articles this week we wanted to share some word choices relating to the press release and media articles.
“Tupperware announced a delay in the filing of an Annual Report as we work through some accounting complexities with our auditors. This Annual Report is required by law for any publicly traded company such as ours. We are working diligently to complete our audit and file as soon as possible.”
Tupperware shared this today with the Business Leaders… “We do not expect this situation to have any significant effect on the way you conduct your everyday business. In fact, we plan to continue delivering new products and enter new product categories so that we can keep bringing you innovative products for which the Tupperware brand is known and loved. We remain focused on continuing to deliver on the service you expect in order to grow your Tupperware business.”
🥰Chris and I encourage you to remain focused on building your teams and selling Tupperware products to help your customers reduce their food and single-use-plastic waste. We have an iconic product that people love.
Great News I can share with you…
* US/CA had a great first quarter!
* We met our sales plan and delivered profit!
* We need to continue delivering positive results and how do we do that? You know 1-2-3 ⭐️Parties, 😍Recruits and 🤩Promoting Leaders!😍
Who is excited about the new products and entering new categories? We will grow and we will need more team members! LET’S GROW LEGACY!

“Let’s beat the internet”

Challenge from Tina

4/12- 4/26

I’m so over media sensationalism on the internet and it’s been in my face obnoxiously for two days – so we’re gonna have some fun on the other side of it. You ready?
I want each of you to go live today and as many days as possible from now till the end of the month & do a demo. Demo whatever you want, but have it be something that people who haven’t seen Tupperware recently wouldn’t know we have.
Here’s the two things that have come out of this–
Tupperware is in everyone’s brain AND based on comments that I’ve seen posted on social media, people have NO IDEA about our current products.
I’m gonna draw for some seriously cool prizes – in order to count into the drawing prizes you have to go live on your wall (not in your vip group), or post a reel, or on TikTok and you have to use these hashtags each time and then come back here and comment with your screenshot (make sure the hashtags show) and you’ll be in the drawings.
Llet’s show them all the freaking amazing GOOD THINGS we are with Tupperware!!

Here’s the hashtags you have to use to get in on the drawings!

#tupperware #tupperwarelegacy #notgoinganywhere #theresonlyone