World Water Day is on March 22nd. This new sales special is a great way to remind your customers of the importance of drinking water, and the ease of using the Tupperware Water Bottles. Rather than purchasing plastic water bottles filled with water, why not invest in some re-usable water bottles to help eliminate waste. I know we like to think that disposable plastic water bottles are recycled, but the truth is, only 20% actually makes it to recycling.
-I typically have 8 filled bottles in the door of our refrigerator
-We don’t drink a lot of milk, so when I buy ½ gallon, I freeze half of it in freezable water bottles and store the rest in water bottles in the refrigerator.
-Large jugs of juice can take up a lot of space in a refrigerator. Once they become only ½ full, I transfer the remaining juice into a water bottle. It takes up a lot less room in the refrigerator.
-Let’s not forget wine…Pour the contents from a glass bottle into a water bottle so they can be taken to places like the beach that prohibit glass.
Here’s the link to the replay:
We have several gifts that need to be claimed!
Build support for this important day with your customers by sharing these slides that Fran Basuel shared.