Did you know that the reason we ask every new consultant to host a party is that growing a business starts with ONE.  One party is all it takes to get things rolling. I have a fun activity for you! It’s time March Madness.  We have a new catalog, a new brochure and some incredible gifts for our hosts.  If you’ve ever tuned into basketball they have a bracket elimination to find the ONE winner.  We’re doing a reverse bracket…we each will start with one booking and it will multiply.  Our job is to get two booking for each host,  We aren’t through until we’ve dated TWO.

  1. If you haven’t hosted a party yourself lately, you can date yourself.  Just make sure to host coach yourself and dot all the I’s and cross all the T’s
  2. OR date a party with a friend, relative, neighbor, co-worker, past customer…anyone that would like FREE Tupperware.

Put the name of the host in the middle.  Add the two datings onto the bracket.  When you get datings from those, add to the next bracket.  Let’s see whose bracket will be filled up the most by month end.  This is an incredible visual to help you realize the power of dating at parties.

If you date a new party chain…start a new sheet

Here’s a quick video explaining how to use it.