In order to grow a successful business, you have to be willing to take care of your customers.  While we had a pause to handling replacement parts last year while we updated our system, it seems that many consultants told customers that “we no longer offer replacements”, rather than saying “our replacement system is getting re-designed”.  The last few weeks I’ve handle quite a few replacement requests for customers, who have been thrilled to find a consultant that will finally take care of their needs.

That said, for many years customers needing a replacement incurred no charge.  That’s because  products were housed locally and we could do an immediate swap.  But for years, there HAS been a shipping charge. One way you can offset that is to have parts come to your home.  Just order them with a personal order that you have and most likely no additional shipping will apply.  However, I find that I’m doing replacements for people that live too far away to drop off and pick up their parts to me.  I ask them for pictures of the broken items.

Here’s something you can share with customers.  You can post it at vendor events or parties, or even share in your VIP groups.  This helps customers to see the value of placing an order with their replacements.  If they don’t need anything, you may suggest that they ask a friend if they need something.  That way the friend is playing the shipping the parts are tagged on.

After I handle the replacement I ask them for a picture of the items with an X on it using a sharpie.  So if you ever see Tupperware with a big black X on it…it’s already been replaced!

Need instructions on how to do replacements? Here’s a video               

You will need to submit photos so make sure to have them ready