We have AMAZING host offers for the month of October! Make sure you are sharing with all prospective hosts so they understand the value of hosting in October and reaching for the $1000 mark.
Keys to having $1000 party
*Over-invite. I recommend 25 orders, so invite 50 for a home party and 80-100 for a virtual party.
*Challenge the host to get outside orders from people that can not attend
*Make sure to demonstrate SETS, not just individual items. Also feature a “premium product” in your demonstration.
Great meme to post to get the conversation going regarding the $350/2 HOST bonus starting on Thursday for. Record Breaker!!
I would post the meme and then when someone comments….I would ❤️the post and then send them a private message and tell them how easy it is to earn it for $29!!!! Do not post the info publicly so everyone can see it.
Last week I shared how you could find two $500 hosts to go together and share to make a $1000/2 party. They would split the gifts. This week, I want to share how you can have FIVE hosts with $200 each to create your $1000/2 party. WOW!
This option allows you to split the gifts. You would keep the host bonuses.
One important point..the 2/5 people must live in the same area as you can not split ship the gifts. All would need to be delivered to one location and then split them up.
What theme parties will YOU be offering in October?