The product shipping for the CheeSmart® Low Rectangular sample item did not match the picture or description to the Spring/Summer 2021 Catalog.
As a result, item #658 in the Spring/Summer 2021 Catalog did not open as planned yesterday. The product shipped as a sample is the CheeSmart® Rectangular, with the same base/tray, but a taller cover, and this is the product we will be selling during the Spring/Summer catalog timeframe.
In My Sales and on, we are opening the CheeSmart Rectangular today, February 26, at 4 p.m. ET, as item #659, at the price of $25, given its larger capacity. An updated catalog PDF will be posted today, and an updated digital catalog will follow on as soon as possible next week.
We apologize for this error in the printed catalogs, that we are unfortunately unable to update, and appreciate your help with notifying customers.